
Postsecondary life for young adults with deafblindness includes education or employment, access to services and a meaningful life in their communities. Transition planning for young adults with deafblindness is an important part of setting and reaching individualized goals and should begin as early as 14 years of age and continues up until the individual graduates from school. Transition is most successful when there is a team approach that develops through home and school collaboration.

CBSS can support the team through a range of technical assistance including:

  • Customized on-site and virtual coaching on deafblind specific strategies including transition planning
  • Online training in the area of planning for your child’s success after high school
  • Family support from the Project’s Family Engagement Specialist
  • South East Transition Institute: Regional program to connect young adults with DeafBlindness with peers and mentors, as well as provide structured support in developing a Transition Action Plan

Please complete the CBSS Referral Form located on the Technical Assistance (TA) and Training page if you are interested in receiving support.

Resources and Tools

  • NCDB READY Tool: Readiness Evaluation of Transition to Adulthood for DeafBlind Youth

  • Open Hands Open Access (OHOA) Transition Module: Envision transition for deafblind youth as moving towards personally meaningful adult lives with multiple possibilities.

  • Transition and Adult Life Success Stories: The stories highlight best practices related to self-determination, access, and family engagement for transition-age students and adults who are deafblind. Each story provides a glimpse into the possibilities for these individuals.

Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS)

Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)