Early Identification

The earliest experiences of a child’s life greatly influence their ability to learn, move, and interact with others. For children with deafblindness, this is especially true since their physical, communication, cognitive, social, and emotional development are connected. Because the impact on learning is exponentially greater for combined vision and hearing loss than for vision or hearing loss alone, early intervention services from individuals who understand the unique impact of deafblindness are essential.

Connections Beyond Sight and Sound (CBSS) will work with families, early intervention providers, and related service providers of infants and toddlers with deafblindness to ensure that the team has an understanding of the child’s sensory loss and how it will impact their communication, socialization, and other domains.

All birth-to-three-year-olds with developmental delays or with identified disabilities, including sensory disabilities such as vision impairment or hearing loss, are entitled to individualized, quality early intervention services.

CBSS can help ensure that a child is screened for hearing loss and visual impairment either before or after enrollment in Part C, and referred appropriately for diagnosis.  Once a child’s sensory disability is identified, CBSS can help assure that the family and service providers access our technical assistance model and specialty services.

Please complete the CBSS Referral Form located on the Technical Assistance (TA) and Training page if you are interested in receiving support.

Baby laying their back on a background with assorted letters laughing and holding a toy

A Tool for Identifying Vision and Hearing Loss in Children with Multiple Disabilities

Identifying hearing and vision loss in children with multiple disabilities is challenging. A guide to assist you and your team through this identification process is provided in the link below.
